SIT9001AC-13-25E3-40.00000Y SiTime Standard Clock Oscillators 40MHz 2.5Volts 50ppm +-.25% fr Ctr

Part Nnumber
Standard Clock Oscillators 40MHz 2.5Volts 50ppm +-.25% fr Ctr
Basic price
1,17 EUR

The product with part number SIT9001AC-13-25E3-40.00000Y (Standard Clock Oscillators 40MHz 2.5Volts 50ppm +-.25% fr Ctr) is from company SiTime and distributed with basic unit price 1,17 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1000 pc.

SiTime Product Category: Standard Clock Oscillators Brand: SiTime Packaging: Reel Factory Pack Quantity: 1000

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